Clinique Juridique de Montpellier Logo

14 rue Cardinal de Cabrières

34060 Montpellier

Clinique Juridique de Montpellier Logo

Get free legal help.

The Montpellier Legal Clinic provides a full legal assistance in all legal matters.

1 +
2 ans
Of experience
1 +
cases in 2021

about us

Founded in 2013 by Professor Daniel Mainguy, the Montpellier Legal Clinic is one of the first “new generation” French Legal Clinics to be created. The Montpellier Legal Clinic has the dual objective of strengthening accessibility to the law among the most vulnerable and training law students through practice. Access to Montpellier Legal Clinic is completely free.

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With more than 200 clinicians this year, our goal is to deliver the most thorough legal information possible.

Quality first.

In addition, we are present until the outcome of your request : With our end-to-end procedure, even if the resolution of your request must go through a third party (lawyer, notary, bailiff etc.) we remain your contact anytime.

A partnership area

Discover our partners, or explore the different possibilities of working with us!

Competent in all legal matters.

Drawing on the exceptional diversity of legal subjects taught at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Montpellier, we are able to process any juridical request.

 If your request requires the intervention of a legal professional, we will be there to support you.